Socialists Say Govt’s Anti -Terror Bill ‘PR Governing’

  • 25 Mar 2016 8:00 AM
Socialists Say Govt’s Anti -Terror Bill ‘PR Governing’
The package of counter terrorismrelated constitutional amendments announced by the government is nothing more than a case of “PR governing”, the leader of the Socialist Party said. József Tóbiás said that there was no need for the government to amend the constitution over the increased threat of terrorism, arguing that the laws currently in place are sufficient to guarantee public security.

“What is the true purpose of a proposal that would allow the government to listen in on citizens’ telephone conversations? Are we going to look for terrorists amongst ourselves or are we finally going to admit that these tragic occurrences can only be prevented through Europe-wide cooperation?” Tóbiás asked.

He added that Hungary’s counter-terrorism force was incapable of preventing or dealing with the aftermath of terrorist attacks without collaborating with European counterparts. Interior Minister Sándor Pintér announced on Thursday that the government will submit to parliament a proposal on a package of anti-terrorism measures, including amendments to the constitution and related cardinal laws.

Among other things, the bill would set up a counterterrorism information centre, make it easier for law enforcement to track the flow of money among terror suspects by monitoring their bank accounts and require telecommunications service providers to cooperate with the police and the Special Service for National Security in decrypting communications devices seized by law enforcement.

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MTI photo: Máthé Zoltán

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