Now On Until 24 July: 'The Belle Époque', In 3D, Műcsarnok
- 6 Jul 2016 9:00 AM

This show evokes the fin-de-siècle era, that is, the decades around 1900, with the help of stereo photographs. The streets and busy squares of Budapest and other European and distant metropolises are brought to life, and you are invited to witness the everyday life of exotic lands.
The exhibition gives insight into the history of stereo photography and stereo viewing devices, and with the help of pictures taken with what used to be revolutionary techniques you will become part of the events in the pictures.
The show offers a unique screening of a three-dimensional film using digital technology, where, it goes without saying, you can walk back into the past.
Venue: Műcsarnok
Address: 1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 37.
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