MEPs Call On EPP To Condemn Ukraine's Banning Ethnic Hungarian Leader

  • 18 Apr 2019 11:11 AM
  • Hungary Matters
MEPs Call On EPP To Condemn Ukraine's Banning Ethnic Hungarian Leader
Several Hungarian MEPs have called on Joseph Daul, head of the European People’s Party, to condemn Ukraine’s recent banning from its territory Hunor Kelemen, head of Romania’s ethnic Hungarian RMDSZ.

In a letter to Daul, Andrea Bocskor and László Tőkés, MEPs of ruling Fidesz, as well as MEPs of other Hungarian parties in and outside Hungary, called for “actual measures to ensure that Ukraine’s authorities stop harassing Hungarian politicians and stop hindering communication between Hungarians”.

“We seek to support Ukraine on its way to Europe and wish to see real, positive changes in terms of democracy and ethnic minority rights,” signatories to the letter wrote. Kelemen was banned from Ukraine for 18 months earlier in April.

He had been on his way to Uzhhorod (Ungvár) to attend a ceremony marking the 30th anniversary of ethnic Hungarian organisation KMKSZ when he was stopped at the border and denied entry without an explanation.

This video below summarizes the anti-Hungarian actions that were taken place in Ukraine in recent years: 

MTI Photo

Related links

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Hungary Matters

Launched in January 2014, this newsletter published on week days covers 'everything you need to know about what’s going on in Hungary and beyond', according to its publisher the state media agency MTI.

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