Budafok Cellar Trip, 5 October

  • 23 Sep 2019 9:09 AM
Budafok Cellar Trip, 5 October
On the first Saturday of every month Budafok Cellar Trip offers you stroll to see a unique presentation of wine cellars and viniculture. Wine tasting, exhibitions and pop music programs!

With a bus ticket (online: HUF 1,000, at the Cellar trip bus: HUF 1,200) discounts are offered for the following programs if you have a district residence card.

●    Katona Winery (1222 Budapest, Borkő u. 6/B.)
Opening hours: 15.00-22.00
15.00-19.00 Mynk quartet concert
19.30 MuziKell!- musical show with wine tasting
Ticket price: HUF 2,900 Ticket are available at jegy.hu, in Klauzál-Ház and on the premises 30 minutes before the performance

●    Záborszky Cellar – Wine City (1222 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 24-26.)
Opening hours: 14.00-19.00
16.00 – Gastro-talk show: My meals are my life - cooking from a mother’s perspective.
Panel discussion combined with tasting.
14.00-19.00 exhibition of the painter Zoltán Pável-Grósz

●    Seybold - Garab Cellar (1221 Péter Pál u. 39.)
15.00-20.00 Absolute Acoustic concert
Music and gastronomy in a several hundred years old cellar. Menu: Knuckles baked in oven with potato and home-made salad mix and wine tasting with 3 types of wine: HUF 3,000 The program is available upon pre-registration at: +36 70 313-2978 or orszagcimer@gmail.com

●    16.00 Mysteries of the houses at Péter Pál street - Thematic trip with local historian László Garbóci (The price of the program includes a wine tasting with 2 types of wine, fresh-baked pretzel at Seybold-Garab Cellar and a Wine Trip ticket) Price: HUF 2,200 The program is available upon pre-registration at: +36 70 313-2978 or orszagcimer@gmail.com

●    Várszegi Winery (1222 Budapest, Nagytétényi út 70)
Opening hours: 15.00-22.00
15.00-20.00 Edo&Toma concert
Wine trip, tasting of 3 types of wine With Cellar Trip ticket HUF 1,500 instead of HUF 1,000. Meal variations.

●    Borköltők Társasága Restaurant (1223 Budapest, Jókai Mór utca 26.)
19.00 -21.00 Dinner and Cellar Quiz – Quiz show for teams of 2-6 members, winners can receive 4 VIP Wine Cellar Tickets. Menu: Pig's Knuckles a la Pékné Package price: HUF 2,990 Menu B: Grilled mushrooms with mashed pumpkin Package price: HUF 2,590 Available upon registration at the following phone number (1) 424 5115

●    Cave Apartment Museum (1222, Budapest Veréb u. 4.)
Opening hours: 15.00-20.00
15.00-20.00 Csaba Mészáros playing the accordion
Visitors can get insight into the development of cave apartments and the everyday life of their residents.

Vasmacska Terasz, Promontor Restaurant and István tanya offer 10% discount to guests having a daily Cellar Trip ticket and district residence card.


Photo courtesy of the organisers

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