Katalin Kariko, Biontech VP, Named As Hungary's 'Media Person Of 2020'

  • 31 Dec 2020 9:39 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Katalin Kariko, Biontech VP, Named As Hungary's 'Media Person Of 2020'
Hungarian biochemist Katalin Karikó, a senior vice president at German biopharmaceutical company BioNTech, is the inaugural winner of the Public Media's Person of the Year Award, public media foundation MTVA said.

The award, founded by public service media operator Duna Médiaszolgáltató and MTVA, is handed out at the end of each year to those whose professional careers have delivered lasting value and who had a significant impact on current events over the last year, MTVA said in a statement.

Because of the impact the novel coronavirus pandemic has had on 2020, Hungarian public media chose Karikó, whose work was crucial in the development of one of the vaccines against the virus, as the recipient of this year’s award.

Duna Médiaszolgáltató chief executive Menyhért Dobos praised Karikó’s role in “allowing humanity to overcome” the coronavirus pandemic.

“There could not be a more worthy recipient of the Public Media’s Person of the Year Award than Katalin Karikó, whose discovery and work has restored hope to us all,” Dobos said.

MTVA chief executive Dániel Papp said the award served to preserve and enrich Hungarian national identity, adding that Karikó was an “important treasure” to Hungarians all around the world.

Photo courtesy of Penn Medicine

Related links

Katalin Karikó, Hungarian Biochemist Behind The Covid Vaccines

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