Hungary’s PM Orbán Vows To Restore All Jobs Lost To Crisis

  • 8 Apr 2020 12:06 PM
  • Hungary Matters
Hungary’s PM Orbán Vows To Restore All Jobs Lost To Crisis
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán, in a letter to Luca Visentini, General Secretary of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC), said his government will create as many jobs as are lost in the coronavirus crisis, after Visentini recently expressed concern over Hungary’s economic measures in connection with the epidemic.

In the letter forwarded to MTI by Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press chief, Orbán called it “encouraging” that Hungary could count on the attention of Europe’s trade unions in a situation as difficult as the new coronavirus outbreak.

Orbán assured Visentini that Hungary’s and the ETUC’s goals were the same.

The prime minister noted that over the past ten years, Hungary had managed to create a “labour-based economy”, which had significantly reduced unemployment.

This means the Hungarian government can look to the policies it had shaped at the time of the 2009 global economic crisis when formulating its response to the epidemic, Orbán argued.

Over the past ten years, the government has always been prepared to share its economic policy experiences with those who were interested, the prime minister said.

Orbán said his government’s crisis management measures centred on preserving existing jobs and creating new ones and assured Visentini that his government would create as many jobs as are lost in the crisis.

Photo courtesy: Gergely Botár -

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