"Pathetic, Childish": Hungarian Ambassador to Poland Declared Persona Non Grata
- 6 Jan 2025 9:14 AM

Sikorski sent a diplomatic note to the ambassador on Friday, saying he was "not welcome" at the event.
Earlier on Friday, Polish deputy minister Magdalena Sobkowiak-Czarnecka told Polish public media that the ban was linked to Hungary's decision to grant asylum to Marcin Romanowski, a former Polish deputy justice minister.
Socialists: Orban's policies go against European values
Prime Minister Viktor Orban's policies go against European values, the opposition Socialists said on Friday, and called on the Hungarian government to respect democratic principles.
The fact that Hungary's ambassador to Poland was not invited to the opening ceremony of Poland's European Union presidency was a clear rejection of the Hungarian government's policies, the party said.
The party said that the decision was linked to Hungary having offered political asylum to former Polish Deputy Justice Minister Marcin Romanowski who is currently a subject of a procedure on suspicion of corruption in his home country.
It added that Magdalena Sobkowiak-Czarnecka, the deputy minister in charge of EU affairs had said that Hungary's decision violated the principles of European solidarity and rule of law.
The Socialists said the incident was another example of how the government of Prime Minister Viktor Orban was undermining common EU values and cooperation between member states.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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