Budapest Theatre To Be Disinfected Because Of Coronavirus

  • 26 Aug 2020 9:54 AM
  • Hungary Around the Clock
Budapest Theatre To Be Disinfected Because Of Coronavirus
The season was to have started in the Vígszínház theatre on August 21 with the play Pál utcai fiúk, but one of the young actors gave a positive Covid-19 sample before the show, therefore the complete disinfection of the theatre was ordered.

Ticket-holders can decide whether the new date for the show is appropriate for them, if not, they can reschedule the tickets or can request a refund for the price of the ticket.

All areas within the theatre where the potential of contamination is present will be disinfected on Sunday, in line with the protocol. This includes stages, audience premises, artists canteens, corridors, and offices.

Theatre staff are continuously disinfecting areas that are frequently touched, such as door handles, switches, and handrails.

MTI Photo: János Marjai

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