PM Orbán Tops Századvég Poll Overall, But not in Budapest

  • 20 Oct 2021 6:21 AM
  • Hungary Matters
PM Orbán Tops Századvég Poll Overall, But not in Budapest
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán was preferred by 51% of respondents to Péter Márki-Zay, winner of the opposition’s recent primary election, whom 41% would like to see at the helm of the next government, according to the latest survey conducted by the Századvég Foundation.

Márki-Zay is mostly popular with Budapest residents (54%), while he was less preferred by respondents from small towns and villages (37%), the pollster said in its report released to MTI on Tuesday.

Conversely, Orbán is supported by up to 56% of voters in small places and by 38% in the capital, the report said.

Fully 8% of respondents said they would not disclose their preferences or were uncertain as to whom to support.

Graphic: courtesy of Századvég

Related links

Márki-Zay Wins Opposition Primary

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