Digi Acquires Direct One Satellite Customer Base in Hungary

  • 5 Aug 2024 2:18 PM
  • Budapest Business Journal
Digi Acquires Direct One Satellite Customer Base in Hungary
Digi will take over the Hungarian satellite customer base of Direct One, according to a deal inked recently.

Digi Távközlési és Szolgáltató Kft., a subsidiary of 4iG Plc, signed a sale and purchase agreement with Canal+ Luxembourg S.àr.l. and its Hungarian subsidiaries Eviso Hungary Kft. and Canal+ Distribution Hungary Kft, for the acquisition of the Hungarian satellite customer base Direct One, and optionally for the acquisition of its cable television portfolio, depending on the consent of the local operators.

Canal+ Luxembourg S.àr.l. is Europe’s largest satellite and IP television provider, offering tailor-made packages in the countries in which it is present to meet local demand and provide satellite, IP-based, and streaming TV services through its leading-edge streaming platform.

Under the Direct One brand, the company serves approximately 155,000 satellite customers in Hungary. Direct One offers a wide range of packages, including more than 119 local and international channels in HD and UHD quality, as well as premium movie and series channels.

“The acquisition of Direct One’s satellite customer base is an excellent opportunity to increase our satellite customer base in Hungary. Through this transaction, 4iG Group will strengthen its leading position in the Hungarian satellite television market,”  said Péter Fekete, CEO of 4iG Group.

“Thanks to the acquisition, we can offer higher quality and more comprehensive services to the former Direct One customers in the future, leveraging the Group’s convergent telecommunications portfolio,” Fekete added.

After the completion, Direct One subscribers will be able to use the satellite TV service in the same form and with the same content, 4iG told the Budapest Business Journal via a press release.

The transaction does not affect Direct One online subscribers.


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