60% of Working Hungarians Took Holiday Trips in Past Two Years
- 9 Feb 2025 7:34 AM

The holidaymakers spent an average HUF 105,000 per person on domestic trips and HUF 250,000 on vacations abroad, according to the survey conducted at the end of 2024 by NRC Marketingkutato es Tanacsado.
Around 28pc of respondents said they only take domestic trips and 28pc said they travel both in Hungary and abroad. Most Hungarians who take domestic trips spend at most four nights away from home, while just 8pc spend more than a week.
The most popular destinations among Hungarian travellers for domestic holidays are Lake Balaton along with the Matra and Bukk mountain ranges in the northeast of the country. Elsewhere in Europe, Italy and Greece are the most popular places to visit.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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