Official: Creche Capacity In Hungary Doubled Since 2010

  • 13 Jan 2025 8:39 AM
Official: Creche Capacity In Hungary Doubled Since 2010
As a result of the government's measures, creche capacity in Hungary has increased two-fold since 2010, a state secretary at the culture and innovation ministry said on Saturday.

There is capacity for 68,000 children in creches today compared with 32,500 fifteen years ago, Robert Zsigo said in a video posted on the government's social media page.

"A big step forward has been taken in overall density of those institutions nationwide with a creche operating now in every third settlement and in every district," he said.

He called "the financial appreciation" of creche workers important, noting a four-and-half-fold increase of their salaries during the period. "Those who see their careers as creche teachers are also entitled to a grant and other forms of financial support."

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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