13 result(s) for pubs in Current Affairs
Trial Begins of US-British-Hungarian Charged With Killing Frenchman in Budapest
- 15 Dec 2022 11:20 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
The trial of a US-British-Hungarian citizen charged with stabbing a French national to death in February 2020 in Budapest got under way in the Metropolitan Court on Tuesday, the court said.
Brit Suspect Captured in Hungary & Drunk Charged With Killing Frenchman In Budapest
- 27 Jul 2022 12:13 PM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
A British national wanted on an international arrest warrant was captured in Hungary, Hungarian law enforcement said on Tuesday.
Hungarian Opinion: Lionel Messi & Olympics as Campaign Themes
- 12 Aug 2021 4:39 PM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Events which appear to have no connection whatsoever to Hungary, or on which a national consensus seems to exist, are used by politically committed commentators to discredit their opponents.
Curfew Imposed, Nightclubs Closed, Parking Free As 'Special Legal Order' Reintroduced
- 4 Nov 2020 6:46 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
From midnight on Tuesday, the Hungarian government reintroduced a "special legal order" in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced online.
Coronavirus: Where Expats In Hungary Can Get Advice From Authorities
- 6 May 2020 2:11 PM
- current affairs
Updated: You can call the Hungarian government’s dedicated coronavirus hotline on +36 80 277 455 or +36 80 277 456 if you believe you have symptoms - ask for an English speaking operator.
Local Referendum On Party District Opening Hours On Feb 18
- 5 Jan 2018 7:54 AM
- current affairs
Budapest’s 7th district is to hold a local referendum on Feb. 18 regarding the opening hours of pubs and other venues, daily Magyar Nemzet said.
Residents And Workers Of Budapest’s “Party District” Stage Demonstrations
- 4 Sep 2017 8:10 AM
- current affairs
Budapest District VII residents want peace in inner Erzsébetváros. Residents of the district staged a demonstration Wednesday in support of regulations to curb noise, trash, drug dealing and other problems associated with the proliferation of bars and pubs.
Xpat Opinion: Reactions In Hungary To The Failed Coup In Turkey
- 19 Jul 2016 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Commentators are convinced that after foiling the coup, President Erdogan will consolidate his rule still further. At the same time they dismiss conspiracy theories about him being the real mastermind behind the attempted takeover.
Regular Annual IMF Report On Hungary Released
- 7 Apr 2015 5:02 AM
- current affairs
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published its regular annual report on Hungary on the institution’s website. In accordance with Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the institution prepares an economic policy assessment of each member country at least once each year.
Trial Begins of US-British-Hungarian Charged With Killing Frenchman in Budapest
- 15 Dec 2022 11:20 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
The trial of a US-British-Hungarian citizen charged with stabbing a French national to death in February 2020 in Budapest got under way in the Metropolitan Court on Tuesday, the court said.
Brit Suspect Captured in Hungary & Drunk Charged With Killing Frenchman In Budapest
- 27 Jul 2022 12:13 PM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
A British national wanted on an international arrest warrant was captured in Hungary, Hungarian law enforcement said on Tuesday.
Hungarian Opinion: Lionel Messi & Olympics as Campaign Themes
- 12 Aug 2021 4:39 PM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Events which appear to have no connection whatsoever to Hungary, or on which a national consensus seems to exist, are used by politically committed commentators to discredit their opponents.
Curfew Imposed, Nightclubs Closed, Parking Free As 'Special Legal Order' Reintroduced
- 4 Nov 2020 6:46 AM
- hungarymatters.hu
- current affairs
From midnight on Tuesday, the Hungarian government reintroduced a "special legal order" in connection with the coronavirus epidemic, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán announced online.
Coronavirus: Where Expats In Hungary Can Get Advice From Authorities
- 6 May 2020 2:11 PM
- current affairs
Updated: You can call the Hungarian government’s dedicated coronavirus hotline on +36 80 277 455 or +36 80 277 456 if you believe you have symptoms - ask for an English speaking operator.
Local Referendum On Party District Opening Hours On Feb 18
- 5 Jan 2018 7:54 AM
- current affairs
Budapest’s 7th district is to hold a local referendum on Feb. 18 regarding the opening hours of pubs and other venues, daily Magyar Nemzet said.
Residents And Workers Of Budapest’s “Party District” Stage Demonstrations
- 4 Sep 2017 8:10 AM
- current affairs
Budapest District VII residents want peace in inner Erzsébetváros. Residents of the district staged a demonstration Wednesday in support of regulations to curb noise, trash, drug dealing and other problems associated with the proliferation of bars and pubs.
Xpat Opinion: Reactions In Hungary To The Failed Coup In Turkey
- 19 Jul 2016 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Commentators are convinced that after foiling the coup, President Erdogan will consolidate his rule still further. At the same time they dismiss conspiracy theories about him being the real mastermind behind the attempted takeover.
Regular Annual IMF Report On Hungary Released
- 7 Apr 2015 5:02 AM
- current affairs
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has published its regular annual report on Hungary on the institution’s website. In accordance with Article IV of the IMF's Articles of Agreement, the institution prepares an economic policy assessment of each member country at least once each year.