669 result(s) for school director
'MA•ZE: Budarats' – Premier, Trafó, 21 - 22 September
- 20 Sep 2017 3:00 AM
- entertainment
MA•ZE is the lovechild of dance artists Nagy Emese, Kristóf Várnagy and Jessica Simet. Former creatives of DART dance company, they decided to embark on this journey together in 2016 and share a mutual interest in creating quality work that resonates with and reaches a wide range of audience.
Sunday School @ Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church, Starts 10 September
- 15 Sep 2017 9:00 AM
- community & culture
Back-to-School equates to Back-to-Sunday-School at Saint Margaret's Anglican Church in Budapest. “Our youngsters really seem to enjoy our varied programme,” says the Rev. Dr. Frank Hegedűs, the Church’s priest and chaplain. “It is dynamic and based upon the Sunday Scripture lessons each week.”
Hungary Wants EU To Reimburse Half Of Border Control Costs
- 1 Sep 2017 10:00 AM
- current affairs
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has asked the European Commission to reimburse Hungary for half its spending on border protection, the government office chief said on Thursday. János Lázár said at a regular press briefing that the total cost since the start of the migrant crisis amounted to 800 million euros.
Unhealthy Snacks & Beverages To Be Banned From School Buffets
- 11 Aug 2017 8:56 AM
- health & wellness
In a letter sent to the directors of public schools, the Hungarian government listed the foods and beverages to be banned at school buffets and vending machines, the state secretary of the human resources ministry told the press on Thursday.
Summer Music Festival @ Vajdahunyad Castle, Ends On 17 August
- 10 Aug 2017 12:55 PM
- community & culture
The organisers of this special summer music festival in Budapest cordially invite Xpats to classical music concerts and performances by: Budapest Bar, the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra and the Sabbathsong Klezmer Band. Ticket prices are uniform for each concert, no seat reservations, main details below.
Opinion: Foreign Language Teaching In Hungary: Progress Is Very Slow
- 8 Aug 2017 8:10 AM
- current affairs
Hungarians’ subpar knowledge of foreign languages in comparison to other European countries becomes a hot topic in the media from time to time. The reasons for this periodic interest in the topic vary. There are times when an international poll is taken, from which the population can learn that Hungary is again the very last on the list.
Nikolaus Priesnitz, Former General Manager North Thailand, Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort & AVANI Riverside Bangkok Hotel
- 3 Aug 2017 12:00 PM
Mr. Nikolaus Priesnitz is the Area General Manager North Thailand overseeing Minor Hotels’ leading properties in Thailand, which include the Anantara Brand flagship Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort AVANI brand flagship AVANI Riverside Bangkok Hotel, Anantara Chiang Mai Resort, Anantara Chiang Mai Service Suites as well as Anantara Golden Triangle Resort & Elephant Camp.
Open Mind Education Center Opens New Venue
- 24 Jul 2017 10:00 AM
- community & culture
Open Mind Education Center, which has operated in Hungary for four years, has recently opened a new venue on the first floor of the Hegyvidék Shopping Center, boasting high-standard equipment in the study rooms, according to a press statement sent to the Budapest Business Journal.
Most Expensive Cake Of Hungary Launched
- 18 Jul 2017 8:00 AM
- food & drink
From communication advisor Peter Éskovács. A PR action was launched just as the FINA 2017 started. The cake is going to be made specifically for the event, with 24 carat gold. One slice of the cake costs 10.000 HUF. Not surprising then, that this is the most expensive cake in the country. However, the legendary Hungarian sports team, FTC has already bought 2 slices of the cake.
'MA•ZE: Budarats' – Premier, Trafó, 21 - 22 September
- 20 Sep 2017 3:00 AM
- entertainment
MA•ZE is the lovechild of dance artists Nagy Emese, Kristóf Várnagy and Jessica Simet. Former creatives of DART dance company, they decided to embark on this journey together in 2016 and share a mutual interest in creating quality work that resonates with and reaches a wide range of audience.
Sunday School @ Saint Margaret’s Anglican Church, Starts 10 September
- 15 Sep 2017 9:00 AM
- community & culture
Back-to-School equates to Back-to-Sunday-School at Saint Margaret's Anglican Church in Budapest. “Our youngsters really seem to enjoy our varied programme,” says the Rev. Dr. Frank Hegedűs, the Church’s priest and chaplain. “It is dynamic and based upon the Sunday Scripture lessons each week.”
Hungary Wants EU To Reimburse Half Of Border Control Costs
- 1 Sep 2017 10:00 AM
- current affairs
Prime Minister Viktor Orbán has asked the European Commission to reimburse Hungary for half its spending on border protection, the government office chief said on Thursday. János Lázár said at a regular press briefing that the total cost since the start of the migrant crisis amounted to 800 million euros.
Unhealthy Snacks & Beverages To Be Banned From School Buffets
- 11 Aug 2017 8:56 AM
- health & wellness
In a letter sent to the directors of public schools, the Hungarian government listed the foods and beverages to be banned at school buffets and vending machines, the state secretary of the human resources ministry told the press on Thursday.
Summer Music Festival @ Vajdahunyad Castle, Ends On 17 August
- 10 Aug 2017 12:55 PM
- community & culture
The organisers of this special summer music festival in Budapest cordially invite Xpats to classical music concerts and performances by: Budapest Bar, the Budapest Gypsy Symphony Orchestra and the Sabbathsong Klezmer Band. Ticket prices are uniform for each concert, no seat reservations, main details below.
Opinion: Foreign Language Teaching In Hungary: Progress Is Very Slow
- 8 Aug 2017 8:10 AM
- current affairs
Hungarians’ subpar knowledge of foreign languages in comparison to other European countries becomes a hot topic in the media from time to time. The reasons for this periodic interest in the topic vary. There are times when an international poll is taken, from which the population can learn that Hungary is again the very last on the list.
Nikolaus Priesnitz, Former General Manager North Thailand, Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort & AVANI Riverside Bangkok Hotel
- 3 Aug 2017 12:00 PM
Mr. Nikolaus Priesnitz is the Area General Manager North Thailand overseeing Minor Hotels’ leading properties in Thailand, which include the Anantara Brand flagship Anantara Riverside Bangkok Resort AVANI brand flagship AVANI Riverside Bangkok Hotel, Anantara Chiang Mai Resort, Anantara Chiang Mai Service Suites as well as Anantara Golden Triangle Resort & Elephant Camp.
Open Mind Education Center Opens New Venue
- 24 Jul 2017 10:00 AM
- community & culture
Open Mind Education Center, which has operated in Hungary for four years, has recently opened a new venue on the first floor of the Hegyvidék Shopping Center, boasting high-standard equipment in the study rooms, according to a press statement sent to the Budapest Business Journal.
Most Expensive Cake Of Hungary Launched
- 18 Jul 2017 8:00 AM
- food & drink
From communication advisor Peter Éskovács. A PR action was launched just as the FINA 2017 started. The cake is going to be made specifically for the event, with 24 carat gold. One slice of the cake costs 10.000 HUF. Not surprising then, that this is the most expensive cake in the country. However, the legendary Hungarian sports team, FTC has already bought 2 slices of the cake.