Fidesz Victorious, Jobbik Enters Parliament, Polling Booth Chaos
- 12 Apr 2010 5:00 AM
11 April 22:07
With 69% of the votes processed Fidesz leads with 53.24%, followed by the Socialist Party (19.52%), far-right Jobbik (16.69%) and green party LMP (7.08%), according to information by polling station delegates (unofficial result!). The Hungarian Democratic Forum (MDF) seems to be out of Parliament, as it has received no more than 2.52% of the votes, failing to reach the 5% threshold.
11 April 21:52
According to information from polling station delegates, 48% of the votes have already been processe, with the following results:
Fidesz: 53.88%
MSZP: 19.29%
Jobbik: 16.69%
LMP: 6.82%
MDF: 2.42%.
Századvég Alapítvány
The poll, which was conducted on Saturday with a sample of 2,500 people, projects 56% of the votes for the Fidesz-KDNP alliance, 19% for MSZP, 15% for Jobbik and 5% for LMP.
Based on this Fidesz would win 260 seats in the 386-seat Parliament, two more than necessary for a 2/3rds majority. According to the poll, the Socialists will have 66 mandates, Jobbik 47 and LMP 13.
Nézőpont Intézet
The poll, conducted today with a 500-strong sample, sees Fidesz winning 54% of the votes in the first round (the second is to take place on 25 April), followed by MSZP (20%).
According to the survey, Jobbik has won 17% of the votes, and LMP being the last one to reach the threshold (6%). The MDF failed with 3% of the votes, it added.
According to the poll conducted between Friday afternoon and Sunday evening (with a sample of 3,000), this would be the outcome of today’s voting:
Fidesz - 55%, 270 seats
MSZP - 19%, 55 seats
Jobbik - 17%, 49 seats
LMP - 6%, 12 seats.
Szonda Ipsos
Fidesz-KDNP: 57%
MSZP: 19%
Jobbik: 15%
LMP: 5.5%
The poll was conducted on Thursday and on Saturday (sample: 2,000 people).
The unprecedented "scandal", as local press labels today’s hottest election-linked event, is that the polling booths have not been closed when they should have been at 19:00 CET. The delay - and the subsequent and even more painful delay in the publishing of the results - was caused by a law amendment that was approved at the end of 2007. According to this law, only a few polling stations were available for those who wanted to vote somewhere else than their place of residence (and requested a certificate for that before).
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