Fidesz To Monitor Energy Price Cuts In Hungary
- 10 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
He told a press conference that 21st District mayor Szilard Nemeth will head a working team and will have the power to initiate amendments in Parliament and with the cabinet if the group says that providers are resorting to “tricks” in pricing practices.
Nemeth said the working group of experts will be formed this week and will keep in touch with consumers and energy providers.
The government previously established its own four-member commission under state secretary Janos Fonagy to monitor the reduction in the prices of household energy.
Government spokesman Andras Giro-Szasz announced on December 12 that the team will comprise delegates from the Development, Economy and Human Resources ministries, as well as the Prime Minister’s Office.
The Socialist Party welcomed the price cuts but called them belated.
Jobbik said the decision will actually mean a 3-4% drop in energy prices, which consumers will not feel because of inflation.
LMP called for a “green investment fund” to subsidise the renovation of homes to boost energy efficiency.
Source: Hungary Around the Clock
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