Budapest Taxi Prices Rise

  • 2 Sep 2013 9:00 AM
Budapest Taxi Prices Rise
The minimum price for a taxi ride in the Hungarian capital is now HUF 450 according to a municipal decree effective yesterday. HUF 280 is now the price per kilometre, replacing the figure of max 240 forints applied since 1998.

The decree also eliminates previous benefits such as reduced prices for airport trips, plus lower fees for ‘contracted partners’.

As of today passengers choosing to take a taxi to Liszt Ferenc International Airport will pay nearly twice as much under this new decree according to Hungarian newspaper Vilaggazdasag.

The change will apparently bring the current fare of about HUF 5,000 to HUF 8,000-9,000.

Current prices:


Inner districts: HUF 4000 / ourskirts 5000

For the following taxi companies you can use their price calculator by simply clicking on the company's name:


6*6 taxi

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