Hungary’s Fidesz Calls On Bajnai To Disclose Funding Sources

  • 25 Nov 2013 8:00 AM
Hungary’s Fidesz Calls On Bajnai To Disclose Funding Sources
The ruling Fidesz party has called on Gordon Bajnai, leader of the electoral alliance of E14-PM, to give an account of funding he had received from abroad. Bajnai’s foundation Haza és Haladás (Patriotism and Progress) has received nearly half a million dollars from US speculators and another 500 million forints went to civil organisations and websites affiliated with Bajnai, Máté Kocsis, the party’s communications chief said adding that the US funders were likely to be seeking political influence in return for their support.

The E14-PM alliance said in a statement on Saturday that the party, “now as always”, can give an account of every donation it has received down to the last penny.


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MTI Photo: Bruzák Noémi

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