Govt Spokes Criticises SPD Leader’s Comment On Fidesz
- 27 May 2014 9:00 AM

Government Spokesman András Giró-Szász criticised Sigmar Gabriel, leader of the German Social Democratic Party (SPD), for calling Fidesz an anti- European and populist party. Gabriel called on the conservative forces to make it clear that anti-EU and populist right-wing parties, such as Fidesz and Forza Italia, have no place in the European People’s Party.
“We understand the German Socialists’ bitter disappointment over the outcome of the EP elections but this bitter disappointment does not authorise them to take such action against any citizen or democratic organisation in the European Union,” Giró-Szász said.
“More respect for Hungarians! This is what we expect from the European Socialists and, among them, from the German Socialists,” the spokesman said.
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