Police Chief Denies Reports Of Discrimination Against Roma In Hungary

  • 15 Jul 2014 9:00 AM
Police Chief Denies Reports Of Discrimination Against Roma In Hungary
Police do not discriminate against people based on religion, skin colour, gender or ethnicity, national police chief Károly Papp said, after media reports of police discrimination against Roma. Papp said that every police action needs to be assessed individually and that citizens under current laws have the opportunity to raise complaints.

“Police must act humanely in every situation,” he said.

At the same press conference Interior Minister Sándor Pintér was asked to responde to press reports stating that police often fined Roma for petty misdemeanours and failed to take action for the same crimes if committed by non-Roma.

Pintér said he was convinced that this was not “general practice.” and that police acted in full compliance with the law.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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