Inmates In Hungarian Prisons Forced To Work From Next Year

  • 27 Nov 2014 8:00 AM
Inmates In Hungarian Prisons Forced To Work From Next Year
Prisoners will be legally obliged to carry out labour and contribute to the cost of their internment from next year, a senior prison officer told Magyar Nemzet daily. In the past four years the number of inmates who carry out work in prisons and for the business organisations of correctional institutions has grown by several thousand, the official said.

Companies within the prison system making farm and industrial products turned out 14 billion forints (EUR 45.8m) worth last year, noted József Lajtár, the deputy head of business and IT of Hungary’s prison service.

There are around 18,000 inmates in the country’s 28 prisons.

Excluding prisoners who are sick or have reached pension age, there are around 12,000 prisoners who will be obliged to work for their upkeep, the paper said.


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