Pro- And Anti-Gov’t Protesters Scuffle In Budapest

  • 16 Mar 2015 8:00 AM
Pro- And Anti-Gov’t Protesters Scuffle In Budapest
Police detained one person and another was injured on Sunday when a small group of anti-government demonstrators and others arriving for the prime minister’s speech shoved and pushed one another. A group of 20-30 people converged near the National Museum, to heckle the prime minister, chanting “Orbán out!”

As the two rival groups shouted at and jostled one another, one man was pushed to the ground and suffered facial injuries.

Security people and police isolated the counter-demonstrators and pushed them away from the main crowd.

An elderly man who attacked a journalist carrying a camera was detained by police.

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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MTI photo: Mohai Balázs

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