Ending Soon: The Lion’s Tongue, Budapest Gallery
- 23 Jun 2015 9:00 AM

The reason behind this was that he was searching for the key to the depiction of this narrative. In other words, he posed the question: can we illustrate what we don’t know, or rather, can reality be understood, can truth be known merely on the basis of what we know, what we see?
This question simultaneously leads us to ask how a scene depicted in a painting can speak of reality, if indeed it can speak of reality at all.
In eight large-scale oil paintings and in drawings made with mixed media arranged around them, Lajta follows what transpired that evening. The lion in the title refers to the stone lion located at the foot of the bridge, possibly the only witness to the eventual outcome of the events.
On diplay until 19 July 2015
Budapest Gallery
1036 Budapest, Lajos utca 158.
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