Govt To Set Up Counterterrorism Information Centre

  • 25 Mar 2016 8:00 AM
Govt To Set Up Counterterrorism Information Centre
The government decided to set up a counter-terrorism information centre as part of its package of antiterrorism measures which also include constitutional amendments, Sándor Pintér, the interior minister, said. The agency will be tasked with supporting Hungary’s security services and police by assessing and analysing incoming intelligence and drawing attention to potential terror plots.

Under the new anti-terror laws, phone calls could be limited in areas affected by an attack, with civilians being restricted to sending only text messages. Such a measure would be needed to prevent the overload of communications networks and avoid interference with emergency and rescue services.

The government also wants to make it easier to track the flow of money among terror suspects by examining their bank accounts if deemed necessary. Pintér said that law enforcement already has the right to inspect bank accounts if such a warrant is issued, but the new law would allow the state to continuously monitor bank accounts.

Defence Minister István Simicskó said the attacks in Brussels had presented Hungary with a new security situation, the age of hybrid warfare. He said the constitution needed to be amended to allow the army to assist the police in maintaining public safety.

The minister urged the opposition parties to reconsider their stance on the amendment proposals from the point of view of national security.

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MTI photo: Máthé Zoltán

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