Budapest To Use Existing Buses For Metro Replacement Service
- 27 Oct 2016 9:00 AM

The city assembly cancelled its earlier decision to order new buses for replacement services. Earlier opposition lawmakers urged work to commence as soon as possible on renovating Budapest’s third metro line, claiming that conditions are so dangerous that commuters’ lives were at risk.
Csaba Horváth, of the Socialist Party, told a news conference ahead of a city assembly meeting that he was awaiting a reply from metropolitan leaders concerning the timing of the project as well as what kind of funding could be expected for renovating the Soviet-constructed metro and providing bus replacement services.
At a separate press conference, Marcell Tokody of the radical nationalist Jobbik party accused the government of regarding the metro reconstruction in similar terms to the “residency bonds business”. “Good business is important while people’s safety comes second,” he insisted.
He added that the condition of the metro line was “critical” and people’s safety was at risk. He said procurement of replacement buses had caused a slippage in the project’s timetable of half a year.
The government has expressed a wish to see new Hungarian-made buses used during the period of reconstruction. The opposition LMP party said Budapest should go ahead with the reconstruction project using its own funds.
Antal Csárdi, LMP’s delegate in the municipal assembly, said that the city was risking the lives of local residents by postponing the project.
Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.
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