Gulyás: Transparency Bill Not Aimed At Stigmatising NGOs
- 20 Apr 2017 8:00 AM
Fidesz’s bill on foreign-funded NGOs does not aim to stigmatise the organisations but to increase their transparency, Fidesz deputy group leader Gergely Gulyás said in parliament. Opening the plenary debate of the bill, Gulyás said that “hysteria notwithstanding”, the proposal “is a simple piece of legislation which seeks similar transparency requirements for NGOs as apply to publicly funded bodies”.
The proposal stipulates that NGOs receiving over 7.2 million forints (EUR 22,900) of funding from abroad should register each year at a court.
Charges that the ruling Fidesz party is following Russian practices regarding NGOs are unfounded since no plans are afoot to prohibit foreign funding, Gulyás said. “We do not intend to follow Russia’s example...” he said.
Republished with permission of Hungary Matters, MTI’s daily newsletter.
MTI photo: Koszticsák Szilárd
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