Budapest Mayor Cancels Red Bull Air Race
- 6 Feb 2019 6:13 AM
- Hungary Around the Clock

The office said in a statement that “due to the inadequate nature of the circumstances of the event, City Hall cannot issue the permits.”
Tarlós said there had been complaints from Budapest residents of noise pollution and traffic restrictions. Tarlós suggested the Danube Bend or the vicinity of a large Hungarian lake as alternative venues.
Xpat feedback includes: "The mayoral electoral campaign has begun...", "It was amazing last year. We would loved to have it here this year too...", "What about loss of earnings for people working in hotels and restaurants...", "Amazing how the few can ruin the fun for the many".
"The noise complaints are real and very much justified! Those of us living close to the river suffer for days not just hours of ear shattering noise. While I didn’t place a complaint I will be very happy if they move the event elsewhere...", "No pain, no gain. Every beauty pageant knows that!"
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