Coronavirus: Hungarian Justice Minister Rejects Rule-Of-Law Accusations

  • 14 Apr 2020 9:10 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Coronavirus: Hungarian Justice Minister Rejects Rule-Of-Law Accusations
Hungary does what all do in Europe, Judit Varga, Hungary's minister of justice, said in an interview published in the online edition of Die Welt on Sunday.

The minister qualified the accusation levelled by the European Union and the European People’s Party, namely that Hungary’s new law on defence against the novel coronavirus epidemic “has emptied” democracy as fake news, a manifestation of “the uncontrolled dominance of liberal views”.

Once the pandemic is over, Hungary as all countries will lift the state of emergency, she said. The timing of this decision, however, will not be coordinated by others, it will be a matter of national competence, she said.

Varga rejected European Commissioner Věra Jourová’s demand that the Hungarian government should relinquish its special powers as soon as possible. “The state of emergency will be lifted on the appropriate date; neither a day before, nor a day after,” she said.

Concerning Jourová’s view that the emergency laws passed in several countries pose a potential danger to democracy, Varga said that as long as these laws are in line with the constitution and the Constitutional Court is in place, democracy is not in danger in either Hungary or in any other European state.

MTI Photo of Judit Varga

Related links

Hungarian Opinion: Parliament Passes Coronavirus Emergency Bill

Hungarian Justice Minister: Coronavirus Epidemic Challenge Finds EU Wanting

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