'Paolo Ventura: A Venetian Story' Exhibition @ Műcsarnok

  • 7 Feb 2020 10:38 AM
'Paolo Ventura: A Venetian Story' Exhibition @ Műcsarnok
Seen until 4 July. Visitors can enter a magical  pictorial world on the borderline of fine art and photography, fiction and reality. Paolo Ventura’s Venice is at once familiar and unknown.

The photographs create the impression as if it only existed in our fantasy, even though all its elements are so real. Akin to history, humanity’s shared past.

We often wish to imagine that strange, oppressive and fearful memories only exist in nightmares. That those who suffered the past were only tiny figures in an imaginary puppet theatre and not flesh-and-blood people.

1146 Budapest, Dózsa György út 37.


Photo courtesy of the organisers

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