AI Focus of Tech Week in Budapest

  • 1 Oct 2024 2:05 PM
AI Focus of Tech Week in Budapest
Hungary is hosting Tech Week - Forum for Competitiveness and Technology, with a focus on artificial intelligence, in the framework of its presidency of the Council of the European Union.

The forum addresses the advantages and challenges AI presents for businesses and the economy, and explores its potential to boost competitiveness, Richard Szabados, the state secretary for SMEs and technology at the National Economy Ministry, said on Tuesday.

It also highlights the legal environment and the implementation of the EU's recently approved AI Act, he added.

AI has become a "fixture of everyday life" that had already demonstrated how it can improve competitiveness and efficiency, he said.

Hungary takes the position that the AI Act provides a strong legal framework for the safe and responsible use of AI, deputy state secretary Szabolcs Szolnoki said.

He pointed to AI's use in a number of local success stories, including its application in warehouse technology for haulier Waberer's, soft drink production for Hell Energy and the operation of the ZalaZONE vehicle proving ground.

Peter Fekete, the CEO of ICT group 4iG, said a strong cooperation between the government, private sector and scientific players was necessary to promote the broader use of AI.

Lucilla Sioli, the director of the EU AI Office, said the goal of the EU's AI Act was to establish a harmonised internal market for AI, while promoting its broader use.

You can find their agenda at


MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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