Gyurcsány Accuses Orbán of 'Betrayal'

  • 2 Oct 2024 5:58 AM
Gyurcsány Accuses Orbán of 'Betrayal'
The leader of the opposition Democratic Coalition (DK), Ferenc Gyurcsany, has accused the prime minister and his government of committing a "historical, political and moral betrayal" of Hungary and its people in recent years.

At a press conference in Budapest on Tuesday, Gyurcsany said Viktor Orban had sided with China, having argued "for years" for a response to a rising China. Orban's stated neutrality in the struggle between the West and China was in fact pro-China and a "historical betrayal", given Hungary traditionally belonged to "a very clear circle of civilisations".

"Europe and the West have extremely strong positions in this struggle," Gyurcsany said. Based on 2023 figures, the US and Europe accounted for 44 percent of the world economy, while China only accounted for 19 percent; around half of global military spending was linked to NATO, while only 14 percent came from China, he added.

The DK leader spoke of a "historic betrayal" when Orban "wants to put Hungary on China's side""This is not good for Hungary, it is a historical curse for Hungary."

Meanwhile, Gyurcsany called Orban's change of "Russian policy" in 2009 "incomprehensible", having "turned from being one of Hungary's most anti-Russian politicians to one of Hungary's most pro-Russian politicians after fifteen minutes of negotiations with Putin." 

"In those fifteen minutes, the Hungarian prime minister was blackmailed by Putin" with the stakes either tied up with state security or financial considerations, Gyurcsany said.

He added that recent comments by Balazs Orban, the prime minister's political director, suggesting that Hungary would "surrender to Russia" was "not something he let slip" but "a confession of the policy represented by Viktor Orban".

Meanwhile, Orban greets former US President Carter on 100th birthday

Prime Minister Viktor Orban congratulated former US President Jimmy Carter on his 100th birthday in a letter on Tuesday, the PM's press chief said.

"I am proud to join thousands worldwide on this significant day in expressing my respect and appreciation of a family man, a devoted Christian and a unique life journey," Orban said in his letter. He said Carter held a "special place" in the hearts of Hungarians, having earned their respect and "won our hearts".

Orban said the Hungarian nation would always think of Carter as the US president who had returned the Holy Crown, "the symbol of Hungary's thousand-year statehood and Christian tradition", to Hungary.

The prime minister concluded his letter by expressing his gratitude to the 39th US president for his "brave commitment" to the Hungarian nation.

Orban in talks with Costa

Prime Minister Viktor Orban welcomed Antonio Costa, the incoming president of the European Council, to his office on Tuesday, the PM's press chief said in a statement.

Costa is touring all member states before assuming his post on Dec 1, and among his first stops is Budapest, the statement, adding that today's topics included the programme of the Hungarian EU presidency and the objectives of the new European Council president.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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