Kocsis: US Ambassador to Hungary Leaving, 'But All He's Created Stays'
- 14 Jan 2025 9:01 AM

Mate Kocsis said that "in the past years, Pressman has been very smart in bringing acts together which the mentally dysfunctional liberal left had been unable to do before,".
"Pressman organised and financed political and hospitality parties with the agenda to topple the sovereigtist government...., it was his life mission," Kocsis added.
He said that the reason he had called the ambassador "talented" was "because he has revived Hungary's liberal life".
New golden age may dawn in American-Hungarian relations - minister
American and Hungarian relations must be placed on a new foundation, a new golden age in bilateral relations may dawn, National Economy Minister Marton Nagy said in a post on social media on Monday.
Nagy said the government is eagerly awaiting the start of Donald Trump's presidential term. The government expects the new presidential term to bring an end to the Russian-Ukrainian war and that peace would mean physical and economic security and confidence for families and businesses, which could lead to increased consumption and investment.
The minister said the government sees four main areas for the rebuilding of relations, including restoring an agreement to avoid double taxation, easing visa rules, restarting direct flights between Budapest and the most important American cities like New York and Washington and achieving that the US is once again among the top three investors in Hungary.
Nagy added that the Hungarian government is also awaiting the new American ambassador as "revenge and scheming" must come to an end.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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