New Official AI Training Courses Aim to Boost Business in Hungary

  • 20 Mar 2025 6:13 AM
New Official AI Training Courses Aim to Boost Business in Hungary
Laszlo Palkovics, the government commissioner for artificial intelligence, has met with Elek Nagy, the head of the Hungarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MKIK) to discuss ways to use and develop AI, the chamber told MTI.

Nagy acknowledged the impact AI could have on boosting businesses' efficiency even in the short term.

Palkovics pressed for streamlined AI solutions for businesses. He highlighted the importance of encouraging cooperation with big technology companies to tap the knowledge base of local businesses.

The sides agreed on the organisation of training and information campaigns to make businesses more familiar with AI, a necessary element for boosting competitiveness.

The chamber and the government plan closer cooperation in the area of AI with the aim of strengthening the innovative capability of the economy, MKIK said.

MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.


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