5 result(s) for android in Current Affairs
Special Report: Journalists & Critics of PM Orbán Targeted with Pegasus Cyberweapon
- 20 Jul 2021 11:06 AM
- current affairs
Pegasus, the spyware manufactured by Israeli cybersecurity firm NSO Group has been in use in Hungary for years against targets such as investigative journalists and wealthy media owners as well as against people in their close circles, Direkt36 has found as part of an international team of investigative journalists, ‘The Pegasus Project’.
Hungarian Ambulance Service Launches New App Making Emergency Calls Simpler
- 9 Apr 2019 7:05 AM
- current affairs
The national ambulance service OMSZ will launch a mobile-phone app with the help of the Vodafone Foundation in the autumn, it was announced.
Local Opinion: CEU Moves U.S. Degrees To Vienna From Budapest
- 4 Dec 2018 10:23 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
A leftist commentator accuses the government of trying to annihilate those intellectuals whose opinions differ from its own. A pro-government columnist, on the other hand believes that the kind of open society the Central University advocates has no place in Hungary.
Local Opinion: Controversial Conference, Bannon & Yiannopoulos
- 28 May 2018 9:15 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Critics of the government struggle to figure out whether the decision by a public foundation to invite two controversial personalities, Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos to address several hundred strong audiences in Budapest carries a political message.
Uniting Great Minds For Innovation And Competitiveness In The Visegrad Four
- 30 Aug 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
What can 800 scholars and businessmen do to boost innovation and competitiveness in four countries? This is what the creators of the „Visegrad Four Knowledge Portal”, a truly 21st century online platform with smartphone applications will soon show the world.
Special Report: Journalists & Critics of PM Orbán Targeted with Pegasus Cyberweapon
- 20 Jul 2021 11:06 AM
- current affairs
Pegasus, the spyware manufactured by Israeli cybersecurity firm NSO Group has been in use in Hungary for years against targets such as investigative journalists and wealthy media owners as well as against people in their close circles, Direkt36 has found as part of an international team of investigative journalists, ‘The Pegasus Project’.
Hungarian Ambulance Service Launches New App Making Emergency Calls Simpler
- 9 Apr 2019 7:05 AM
- current affairs
The national ambulance service OMSZ will launch a mobile-phone app with the help of the Vodafone Foundation in the autumn, it was announced.
Local Opinion: CEU Moves U.S. Degrees To Vienna From Budapest
- 4 Dec 2018 10:23 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
A leftist commentator accuses the government of trying to annihilate those intellectuals whose opinions differ from its own. A pro-government columnist, on the other hand believes that the kind of open society the Central University advocates has no place in Hungary.
Local Opinion: Controversial Conference, Bannon & Yiannopoulos
- 28 May 2018 9:15 AM
- http://www.budapost.eu
- current affairs
Critics of the government struggle to figure out whether the decision by a public foundation to invite two controversial personalities, Steve Bannon and Milo Yiannopoulos to address several hundred strong audiences in Budapest carries a political message.
Uniting Great Minds For Innovation And Competitiveness In The Visegrad Four
- 30 Aug 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
What can 800 scholars and businessmen do to boost innovation and competitiveness in four countries? This is what the creators of the „Visegrad Four Knowledge Portal”, a truly 21st century online platform with smartphone applications will soon show the world.