Support Drops For Fidesz And Socialists In Hungary

  • 31 Jan 2012 8:00 AM
Support Drops For Fidesz And Socialists In Hungary
"Support for Fidesz among decided party voters dropped from 40% in December to 37% this month, according to a Tarki poll. The Socialists and Jobbik are level at 23% support, the former falling from 25% to 23%, the latter rising from 22% last month.

Support for LMP rose from 8% to 9%, while the Democratic Coalition gauged 4%.

Half of those interviewed were either undecided or did not reveal their preference.

Overall, only 18% of eligible voters back the governing party, 11% the Socialists and 11% Jobbik.

The results are based on a representative survey of 1,000 residents conducted during January 11-17."

Source: Hungary Around the Clock

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