German Leaders Pin High Hopes On New Hungarian Govt

  • 11 Apr 2014 9:00 AM
German Leaders Pin High Hopes On New Hungarian Govt
The German government and major political parties have welcomed the consolidation planned by Hungary’s political leadership after Fidesz’s landslide win, a senior foreign ministry official said.

After talks in Berlin with German politicians and business leaders on Thursday, Gergely Prőhle, foreign affairs state secretary, said Hungarian stability was highly valued, especially in view of the crisis in Ukraine, which has lent uncertainty to the situation in central and eastern Europe.

Great hopes are pinned on the government’s first steps, he added. Prőhle said it was important that the formation of the new government should fortify Hungary as “reliable from the point of view of western investors...”

From the German point of view it is also important that the Hungarian economy and investor environment should be predictable and “there shouldn’t be sudden moves or surprises,” Prőhle said, adding that German economic players “feel the improvement and that the investment environment is better.”

In the German chancellery and in the circles of the CDU/CSU and European People’s Party there has been “great recognition” of Fidesz’s triumph, he said.

No doubts were cast on the result or the election system by anyone in the SPD or opposition Green Party, either, he said.

German politicians have great expectations as regards the “joint project” of developing German- Hungarian relations and “in the area of common European values,” Prőhle added.


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