Orbán Accepts Nomination For Hungary’s PM

  • 6 May 2014 9:00 AM
Orbán Accepts Nomination For Hungary’s PM
President János Áder has asked Viktor Orbán, the prime minister candidate of the Fidesz-Christian Democrat party alliance, to set up Hungary’s next government. Speaking to reporters after the nomination, Orbán said it was “an exceptional honour” that Hungary’s voters had entrusted him to head Hungary’s government for the third time.

Orbán said he was proud that he could serve his homeland for another four years and pledged to do all in his capacity to “achieve respect for Hungarians both at home and in the world”.

The ruling Fidesz-led alliance on Monday proposed that the prime minister should be selected on May 10.

Source www.hungarymatters.hu

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MTI photo: Illyés Tibor

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