Anglican Church Dinner: 'The Existence Of God', 27 April
- 7 Feb 2018 9:06 AM
Guest Speaker
Professor Philip Goff of the Central European University Department of Philosophy.
His talk will concern discussions surrounding the existence of God: Is the universe literally made for us – made to the exact specifications needed to sustain human life…? And if so, what are the philosophical and spiritual ramifications of this?
Menu Options
A: Porcini cream soup; duck breast prepared rare with saffron pears and potato puré; somlói galuska
B: Goose liver on rucola; pike perch with mixed vegetables and pasta; hand-prepared rétes
C: Vegetarian Option to be determined
Plus wines
A suggested donation of 10,000 HUF per person is requested. Funds raised will support Budapest charities.
The Haxen Királyi Étterem,
Királyi utca 100., Budapest District VI
Please contact Chris Daniels
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