Mercedes Factory In Hungary To Close For A Month

  • 27 Oct 2020 9:03 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Mercedes Factory In Hungary To Close For A Month
The Mercedes-Benz factory in Kecskemét will close for a month from December 18 to January 17, local news website Bács-Kiskun Megyei Hírportál reported on Monday.

The company said the factory shuts down every winter for reconstruction and maintenance work to prepare for production in the following year.

This year’s reconstruction will be more comprehensive than before, Mercedes added.

The website suspected that the longer than usual break in production might be explained by a need to install lines for a new model but Mercedes did not want to comment on that.

During the first wave of the epidemic, the factory suspended production on March 20 and restarted it five weeks later on April 28.

MTI Photo: Sándor Ujvári

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