Budapest British International School Educating Students for Success in A Changing World
- 9 Jun 2021 10:29 AM

The size of the school ensures that no member of the community is a stranger to anybody else, whilst the pastoral programme and small class sizes are designed to ensure that every member of the community receives the support and nourishment that they need.
Self Confident Child, Successful Adult
At a time when change is arguably happening at a faster rate than at any point in human history, the words of Pericles, speaking more than 2,000 years ago, seem as relevant today as they have ever been; “We may not be able to predict the future, but we can prepare for it.”
At BBIS we support students in developing resilience through the ability to respond and adapt to change. The IB curriculum, the flexible working environment of our buildings and the supportive culture of the BBIS family are some of the key elements that ensure success as an adult; to be able to thrive in an ever changing environment.
New School: diverse environment
BBIS has developed its physical environment with the IB philosophy in mind. The buildings promote inquiry, student autonomy and collaboration through flexible classrooms, break out areas and a canteen that reflects the coworking spaces becoming more prominent in a world of digital technology.
Students are helped to find the ‘zone’ where imagination, creativity and questioning can occur.
Students take an active role in choosing and creating the right environment for them, recognising that success is promoted through understanding of self and the ability to find balance, through cooperation and through diversity.
Student advocacy is actively encouraged to this end.
Click here to virtually visit Budapest British International School
1125 Budapest, Zsolna u. 4.
06 70 425 5225
Photo: Mr. David Green, MYP Coordinator & Leader of learning for Individuals and Societies and some MYP students.