Italian & German Nationals Charged Over Budapest Attacks 'Motivated by Extremist Ideology'
- 14 Jan 2025 7:57 AM

The two men are accused of being members of a group espousing extreme leftist ideology, founded in Leipzig in 2017, which held that the sympathisers of right-wing extremism should be confronted with violence. The group decided to organise attacks against people they identified as right-wing extremists, the prosecutor's office said on Monday.
They aimed to cause serious, possibly life-threatening injuries, and to conduct blitz-attacks to deter people from participating in right-wing extremist movements, it said in a statement.
After several attacks in Germany, the group targeted the commemorations in Budapest in connection with the anniversary of the Nazi breakout of the Castle District during the siege of the capital in February 1945. According to the charges, they carried out five attacks between February 9 and 11, 2023, and injured nine people.
The German citizen is accused of participating in four attacks as a co-conspirator and accessory to crime, and the Italian citizen -- who is being tried in absentia -- in three attacks as an accessory. The prosecutor's office is requesting a prison sentence in maximum security facilities and expulsion from Hungary for a definite period, the statement said.
MTI - The Hungarian News Agency, founded in 1881.
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