Report: Hungarian Hotels Inflate Star Ratings

  • 24 Oct 2014 9:00 AM
Report: Hungarian Hotels Inflate Star Ratings
Ten percent of Budapest hotels are not actually qualified for the stars they’re claiming – and the situation outside of the capital is far worse, reported yesterday, based on data published by Hungarian Central Statistics Office (KSH) and The Hungarian Association of Hotels and Restaurants (MSZÉSZ).

KSH reported that there are 1,031 hotels in Hungary, while according to MSZÉSZ only 385 hotels, which provide 60% of the country’s total rooms, are eligible for at least one star. Moreover, many hotels do not meet the standards they are advertising.

The Hungarian Authority for Consumer Protection (NFH) noted that hotels are not obliged to meet the standards set by MSZÉSZ, regardless of the fact that star ratings are the primary criteria used by customers in choosing hotels, a study by BGF college reveals.


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