PM Orbán: Supreme Court Interfered With 2018 Election

  • 7 May 2018 7:51 AM
  • Hungary Matters
PM Orbán: Supreme Court Interfered With 2018 Election
The Kúria, Hungary’s supreme court, has “clearly and seriously interfered” with the recent parliamentary election and “stripped the voters of ruling parties of one mandate”, Bertalan Havasi, Viktor Orbán’s press chief, conveyed the prime minister’s position to news portal PestiSracok. hu on over the weekend.

The supreme court had declared over 4,000 votes for the ruling parties, mailed from abroad by ethnic Hungarians, as invalid, saying that the ballots had been returned in envelopes other than the ones the election office had provided for the purpose.

Havasi noted that the Constitutional Court had labelled the Kúria decision illegitimate, and quoted Orbán as saying that the supreme court was “intellectually unfit” for its responsibilities.

MTI Photo: Czeglédi Zsolt

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