Bread Of Hungarians To Go To Needy Children

  • 11 Jul 2018 9:50 AM
  • Hungary Matters
Bread Of Hungarians To Go To Needy Children
The Bread of Hungarians initiative, a charity programme in which flour from grain collected across the Carpathian Basin is distributed among organisations helping needy children, this year is being organised for the 8th time.

The Hungarian Chamber of Agriculture and farm federation MAGOSZ, the organisers of the programme, told MTI that the scheme was becoming more and more popular.

Last year, a total 628 tonnes of grain was contributed by producers in Hungary and in 12 regions in neighbouring countries, up from 515 tonnes in 2016.

They added that the initiative started off with 10 tonnes in the first year. In 2017, 2,400 farmers from Hungary and nearly 1,600 producers in other countries gave donations.

The grain collected last year was enough to produce 380 tonnes of flour, which was then given to organisations supporting 80,000 children.

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