179 result(s) for constitutional court ruling
Xpat Opinion: Anniversary In Hungary Swept Away By The Snowstorm
- 17 Mar 2013 4:00 AM
- current affairs
The traditional open-air March 15 rallies on Hungary’s national holiday were cancelled due to the exceptional meteorological conditions, but nothing prevented the dailies from fighting their usual opinion duels on the anniversary.
Xpat Opinion: Hungary's President To Sign Controversial Constitution Amendments
- 14 Mar 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The President has announced that he will sign the controversial amendments to the Constitution. Earlier, a left-wing pundit argued that he should raise his voice against them. A pro-government legal expert objected that the President had no other lawful option than to promulgate the amendments.
Xpat Opinion: Irritation Over Constitutional Amendments & Tariff Cuts In Hungary
- 13 Mar 2013 8:01 AM
- current affairs
Népszabadság sees a communications trap in the Prime Minister’s decision to hold talks about utility tariff cuts on the day when Parliament had to vote on 22 amendments to the Basic Law. Magyar Nemzet argues that the domestic and international uproar is motivated by “something else”, rather than constitutional concerns.
Hungary’s Constitutional Changes Fuel New Tensions
- 10 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Thousands of Hungarians protested in central Budapest on Saturday (9 March) against imminent changes to the country's constitution which they fear would curb democratic rights, echoing worries this week from the European Union and the United States.
Xpat Opinion: Church Law Scrapped By Constitutional Court In Hungary
- 5 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
A pro-government columnist welcomes the Constitutional Court’s decision to strike down the controversial Church Law on formal grounds. He notes, however, that the Court has acknowledged that the government has the right to determine which religious denominations can earn official status as churches, and by implication become eligible for public subsidies in their non-spiritual activities.
Court Annuls Ban On Symbols Of Tyranny In Hungary
- 20 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The Constitutional Court on Tuesday struck down the ban on the use of symbols of the fascist and Communist dictatorships. The Court stated that banning symbols of tyranny may be justified in the interest of defending human dignity and the constitutional order, but the present criminal code is too broad and not sufficiently clear or well defined.
Hungary's Fidesz Proposes Constitutional Court Changes
- 5 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The Constitutional Court will be required to review all past rulings in light of the new Basic Law, under a proposal put forward by the Fidesz executive. Fidesz executive vice-president Lajos Kosa indicated that Parliament will approve the amendments in the spring.
Xpat Opinion: A Bad Week For The Hungarian Forint &The Government
- 15 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Commentators agree that the weakening of the Hungarian currency (HUF) was due to a statement by the Minister of the Economy. One cautions the PM against nominating him for the presidency of the National Bank. Other analysts think recent events have dealt several blows to the authority of the governing élite.In a sarcastic week-end front page editorial, Népszabadság takes it almost for granted ...
Szabó & Tarlós At Odds On Homeless In Hungary
- 14 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Hasty, lightning-fast urban policy and moves by the authorities are not the answer to the problem of homelessness, ombudsman Máté Szabó declared on Sunday. He recalled the November Constitutional Court ruling that struck down the classification of regular use of public areas as a misdemeanour.
Xpat Opinion: Anniversary In Hungary Swept Away By The Snowstorm
- 17 Mar 2013 4:00 AM
- current affairs
The traditional open-air March 15 rallies on Hungary’s national holiday were cancelled due to the exceptional meteorological conditions, but nothing prevented the dailies from fighting their usual opinion duels on the anniversary.
Xpat Opinion: Hungary's President To Sign Controversial Constitution Amendments
- 14 Mar 2013 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The President has announced that he will sign the controversial amendments to the Constitution. Earlier, a left-wing pundit argued that he should raise his voice against them. A pro-government legal expert objected that the President had no other lawful option than to promulgate the amendments.
Xpat Opinion: Irritation Over Constitutional Amendments & Tariff Cuts In Hungary
- 13 Mar 2013 8:01 AM
- current affairs
Népszabadság sees a communications trap in the Prime Minister’s decision to hold talks about utility tariff cuts on the day when Parliament had to vote on 22 amendments to the Basic Law. Magyar Nemzet argues that the domestic and international uproar is motivated by “something else”, rather than constitutional concerns.
Hungary’s Constitutional Changes Fuel New Tensions
- 10 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Thousands of Hungarians protested in central Budapest on Saturday (9 March) against imminent changes to the country's constitution which they fear would curb democratic rights, echoing worries this week from the European Union and the United States.
Xpat Opinion: Church Law Scrapped By Constitutional Court In Hungary
- 5 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
A pro-government columnist welcomes the Constitutional Court’s decision to strike down the controversial Church Law on formal grounds. He notes, however, that the Court has acknowledged that the government has the right to determine which religious denominations can earn official status as churches, and by implication become eligible for public subsidies in their non-spiritual activities.
Court Annuls Ban On Symbols Of Tyranny In Hungary
- 20 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The Constitutional Court on Tuesday struck down the ban on the use of symbols of the fascist and Communist dictatorships. The Court stated that banning symbols of tyranny may be justified in the interest of defending human dignity and the constitutional order, but the present criminal code is too broad and not sufficiently clear or well defined.
Hungary's Fidesz Proposes Constitutional Court Changes
- 5 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The Constitutional Court will be required to review all past rulings in light of the new Basic Law, under a proposal put forward by the Fidesz executive. Fidesz executive vice-president Lajos Kosa indicated that Parliament will approve the amendments in the spring.
Xpat Opinion: A Bad Week For The Hungarian Forint &The Government
- 15 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Commentators agree that the weakening of the Hungarian currency (HUF) was due to a statement by the Minister of the Economy. One cautions the PM against nominating him for the presidency of the National Bank. Other analysts think recent events have dealt several blows to the authority of the governing élite.In a sarcastic week-end front page editorial, Népszabadság takes it almost for granted ...
Szabó & Tarlós At Odds On Homeless In Hungary
- 14 Jan 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Hasty, lightning-fast urban policy and moves by the authorities are not the answer to the problem of homelessness, ombudsman Máté Szabó declared on Sunday. He recalled the November Constitutional Court ruling that struck down the classification of regular use of public areas as a misdemeanour.