117 result(s) for ferenc kumin
Helsinki Co-Chair: ‘Many of the Criticisms Are Unfair’ By Ferenc Kumin
- 25 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
By Ferenc Kumin, Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary: You may be interested to know what other members of the US Congress had to say about the Helsinki Commission’s hearing on Hungary last Tuesday.
Look At What’s Happening To Inflation In Hungary, By Ferenc Kumin
- 18 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- business
Ferenc Kumin, Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary: You guessed it. Inflation in Hungary is dropping. Let’s take a quick look at what’s happening to the forint on the exchange market and on the inflation front.
Video: Deputy State Secretary Kumin On International Reactions Regarding Fourth Amendment
- 14 Mar 2013 6:00 AM
- current affairs
Deputy State Secretary for International Communications Ferenc Kumin talked about measures the Government took to inform European leaders and the international press about the Fourth Amendment, prior to the vote in Parliament.
'Minister Varga, Growth & Forint', By Ferenc Kumin
- 12 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Ferenc Kumin is the Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary: Beginning this week, Hungary has a new minister of national economy: Mihaly Varga. Varga assumes the post after serving most recently as the minister without portfolio responsible for relations with international financial organizations. Previously, he was state secretary running the Prime Minister’s Office ...
‘Precise Detail’ By Ferenc Kumin, Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary
- 7 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
On Tuesday evening, the Financial Times posted an unsigned editorial entitled, “Orban’s Threat to Democratic Values,” which argues that “Europe should warn Hungary that its voting rights are at risk” if the parliament goes ahead with an amendment to the constitution that, according to the FT, will “revive curbs that violate European values.” The author of the editorial writes:
Xpat Opinion: Hungarian Government’s Image At Home & Abroad
- 27 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The man in charge of the government’s international image suggests that Hungary’s international critics have become more cautious. The editor in chief of a leftist daily is sceptical about the figures of a poll according to which most Hungarians still have faith in the government.
Ferenc Kumin Takes Part In OSCE Conference On Internet Freedom
- 18 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- tech
Deputy State Secretary for International Communications Ferenc Kumin participated at the conference entitled Internet 2013: Shaping policies to advance media freedom; organised by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna, Austria.
Not Enought Positive Reports In Foreign Media About Hungary
- 14 Feb 2013 10:40 AM
- current affairs
Only 5.8% of reports on Hungary published in the most important foreign newspapers last year on Hungary were positive in tone, under-secretary for international communications Ferenc Kumin said yesterday, citing a study by the Nézõpont Institute. A large number of factual errors appear in the international media, and his office makes an effort to correct them, Kumin said.
International Press's View Of Hungary Has Improved
- 14 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
According to Deputy Secretary of State for International Communications Ferenc Kumin, the image of Hungary in the international press has improved recently and attention is instead centred around how Hungary has managed to achieve such positive changes.
Helsinki Co-Chair: ‘Many of the Criticisms Are Unfair’ By Ferenc Kumin
- 25 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
By Ferenc Kumin, Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary: You may be interested to know what other members of the US Congress had to say about the Helsinki Commission’s hearing on Hungary last Tuesday.
Look At What’s Happening To Inflation In Hungary, By Ferenc Kumin
- 18 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- business
Ferenc Kumin, Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary: You guessed it. Inflation in Hungary is dropping. Let’s take a quick look at what’s happening to the forint on the exchange market and on the inflation front.
Video: Deputy State Secretary Kumin On International Reactions Regarding Fourth Amendment
- 14 Mar 2013 6:00 AM
- current affairs
Deputy State Secretary for International Communications Ferenc Kumin talked about measures the Government took to inform European leaders and the international press about the Fourth Amendment, prior to the vote in Parliament.
'Minister Varga, Growth & Forint', By Ferenc Kumin
- 12 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
Ferenc Kumin is the Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary: Beginning this week, Hungary has a new minister of national economy: Mihaly Varga. Varga assumes the post after serving most recently as the minister without portfolio responsible for relations with international financial organizations. Previously, he was state secretary running the Prime Minister’s Office ...
‘Precise Detail’ By Ferenc Kumin, Deputy State Secretary For International Communications In Hungary
- 7 Mar 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
On Tuesday evening, the Financial Times posted an unsigned editorial entitled, “Orban’s Threat to Democratic Values,” which argues that “Europe should warn Hungary that its voting rights are at risk” if the parliament goes ahead with an amendment to the constitution that, according to the FT, will “revive curbs that violate European values.” The author of the editorial writes:
Xpat Opinion: Hungarian Government’s Image At Home & Abroad
- 27 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
The man in charge of the government’s international image suggests that Hungary’s international critics have become more cautious. The editor in chief of a leftist daily is sceptical about the figures of a poll according to which most Hungarians still have faith in the government.
Ferenc Kumin Takes Part In OSCE Conference On Internet Freedom
- 18 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- tech
Deputy State Secretary for International Communications Ferenc Kumin participated at the conference entitled Internet 2013: Shaping policies to advance media freedom; organised by the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) in Vienna, Austria.
Not Enought Positive Reports In Foreign Media About Hungary
- 14 Feb 2013 10:40 AM
- current affairs
Only 5.8% of reports on Hungary published in the most important foreign newspapers last year on Hungary were positive in tone, under-secretary for international communications Ferenc Kumin said yesterday, citing a study by the Nézõpont Institute. A large number of factual errors appear in the international media, and his office makes an effort to correct them, Kumin said.
International Press's View Of Hungary Has Improved
- 14 Feb 2013 8:00 AM
- current affairs
According to Deputy Secretary of State for International Communications Ferenc Kumin, the image of Hungary in the international press has improved recently and attention is instead centred around how Hungary has managed to achieve such positive changes.