4 result(s) for language requirement in Tech
The Gamer Inside Us
- 26 Apr 2017 8:00 AM
- tech
Six out of ten Internet users in Hungary play video games (including any game played on electronic devices, i.e. computers, smartphones, tablets, consoles, or TVs). This activity extends well beyond hardcore gaming: the most popular video games are Solitaire, Mahjong, Candy Crush Saga and Scrabble. Fifty-six per cent of gamers play on their smartphones (too) – these are the findings of eNET ...
Guaranteed Cheap Internet To Come
- 11 Jan 2017 8:10 AM
- tech
The so-called basic product for internet access will be available from March, government commissioner for digital welfare Tamás Deutsch announced yesterday.
Hacktivity, IT Security Festival, Budapest, 9 – 10 October
- 15 Sep 2015 9:00 AM
- tech
Hacktivity, the independent IT security festival of Eastern and Central Europe will be held for the 12th time, on October 9-10. Numerous hackers and experts from a total of 10 countries will attend the two-day event where interesting programmes and cool presentations will await the participants.
Over 100,000 Downloads From New Hungarian Website On Direct EU Support
- 4 Aug 2015 9:00 AM
- tech
Some 105,000 visitors have downloaded information about direct European Union support from a new Hungarian-language website launched last Tuesday. The development ministry said a third of visitors wanted to learn about EU funding available for business development. The businesses operate in areas including science and innovation, culture and civil initiatives, environment protection and climate ...
The Gamer Inside Us
- 26 Apr 2017 8:00 AM
- tech
Six out of ten Internet users in Hungary play video games (including any game played on electronic devices, i.e. computers, smartphones, tablets, consoles, or TVs). This activity extends well beyond hardcore gaming: the most popular video games are Solitaire, Mahjong, Candy Crush Saga and Scrabble. Fifty-six per cent of gamers play on their smartphones (too) – these are the findings of eNET ...
Guaranteed Cheap Internet To Come
- 11 Jan 2017 8:10 AM
- tech
The so-called basic product for internet access will be available from March, government commissioner for digital welfare Tamás Deutsch announced yesterday.
Hacktivity, IT Security Festival, Budapest, 9 – 10 October
- 15 Sep 2015 9:00 AM
- tech
Hacktivity, the independent IT security festival of Eastern and Central Europe will be held for the 12th time, on October 9-10. Numerous hackers and experts from a total of 10 countries will attend the two-day event where interesting programmes and cool presentations will await the participants.
Over 100,000 Downloads From New Hungarian Website On Direct EU Support
- 4 Aug 2015 9:00 AM
- tech
Some 105,000 visitors have downloaded information about direct European Union support from a new Hungarian-language website launched last Tuesday. The development ministry said a third of visitors wanted to learn about EU funding available for business development. The businesses operate in areas including science and innovation, culture and civil initiatives, environment protection and climate ...