188 result(s) for new soros report
Huffington Post: Hungary Slides Into Authoritarianism As Government Smears Independent Journalists
- 25 Oct 2017 9:00 AM
- current affairs
In a summing-up of Hungary’s current political climate, the Huffington Post calls the country “a 1980s retro version of itself” and cites the bullying of Budapest Beacon contributor Lili Bayer by government spokesman Zoltán Kovács and government mouthpiece 888.hu as evidence of Hungary’s steady slide into authoritarianism.
European Parliament Implementing ‘Soros Plan’, Says Orbán In Brussels
- 23 Oct 2017 9:09 AM
- current affairs
The European Parliament has started implementing the “Soros plan”, as the EP’s commission on civil liberties, citizenship and home affairs (LIBE) has adopted a report on amending the Dublin Rule, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday.
LMP Files Police Report On “National Consultation” Survey For Mismanagement
- 23 Oct 2017 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Green opposition LMP co-leader Bernadett Szél has submitted a report to police in connection with alleged mismanagement of public funds for the government’s “national consultation” survey about the “Soros plan”.
Government Spokesperson: 'The Financial Times Has Become Completely Unhinged'
- 10 Oct 2017 8:52 AM
- current affairs
The Financial Times (FT) has slandered the Orbán Government in no fewer than four articles in the past two weeks on account of the fact that it takes a stance against György Soros’s pro-immigration activities. The British business newspaper "has become completely unhinged”, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács wrote in his blog entry posted on the government website About Hungary.
Minister Heading Prime Minister’s Office: Mandatory Quotas Have Failed
- 10 Oct 2017 8:44 AM
- current affairs
The mandatory immigrant distribution quotas have failed, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office stated at the press conference Governmentinfo 100 where he also said: the postal delivery of the national consultation questionnaires concerning the Soros plan has begun.
Xpat Opinion: National Consultation On The ’Soros Plan’
- 9 Oct 2017 8:48 AM
- current affairs
Pundits express sharply contrasting views on the government’s ‘national consultation’ on migration. One side sees it as a propaganda project based on lies, while the other considers the campaign an expression of self-defence against pressure from global elites.
How Hungary’s Opposition Leaders Reacted To The Őcsény Fiasco
- 5 Oct 2017 8:52 AM
- current affairs
Two weeks ago, the village of Őcsény was the scene of a national scandal. Villagers threatened the life of a local guesthouse owner, slashed his tires, and vowed to do what they could to prevent him from providing shelter to bonafide refugee families.
“Brussels Wants To Put The Soros Plan Into High Gear,” Says Fidesz VP Szilárd Németh
- 29 Sep 2017 8:40 AM
- current affairs
Fidesz vice-president Szilárd Németh held a press conference Thursday to announce that never before has a national consultation been as important as it is now. Magyar Nemzet summarized the main takeaways of Németh’s talking points.
“Soros Plan” National Consultation To Begin In October, Costs Unknown
- 20 Sep 2017 8:52 AM
- current affairs
The National Consultation on what the Fidesz government is calling the “Soros plan” will likely be held in October, according to statements made on state radio by government undersecretary of communications Bence Tuzson, reports mno.hu.
Huffington Post: Hungary Slides Into Authoritarianism As Government Smears Independent Journalists
- 25 Oct 2017 9:00 AM
- current affairs
In a summing-up of Hungary’s current political climate, the Huffington Post calls the country “a 1980s retro version of itself” and cites the bullying of Budapest Beacon contributor Lili Bayer by government spokesman Zoltán Kovács and government mouthpiece 888.hu as evidence of Hungary’s steady slide into authoritarianism.
European Parliament Implementing ‘Soros Plan’, Says Orbán In Brussels
- 23 Oct 2017 9:09 AM
- current affairs
The European Parliament has started implementing the “Soros plan”, as the EP’s commission on civil liberties, citizenship and home affairs (LIBE) has adopted a report on amending the Dublin Rule, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday.
LMP Files Police Report On “National Consultation” Survey For Mismanagement
- 23 Oct 2017 9:00 AM
- current affairs
Green opposition LMP co-leader Bernadett Szél has submitted a report to police in connection with alleged mismanagement of public funds for the government’s “national consultation” survey about the “Soros plan”.
Government Spokesperson: 'The Financial Times Has Become Completely Unhinged'
- 10 Oct 2017 8:52 AM
- current affairs
The Financial Times (FT) has slandered the Orbán Government in no fewer than four articles in the past two weeks on account of the fact that it takes a stance against György Soros’s pro-immigration activities. The British business newspaper "has become completely unhinged”, Government Spokesperson Zoltán Kovács wrote in his blog entry posted on the government website About Hungary.
Minister Heading Prime Minister’s Office: Mandatory Quotas Have Failed
- 10 Oct 2017 8:44 AM
- current affairs
The mandatory immigrant distribution quotas have failed, János Lázár, the Minister heading the Prime Minister’s Office stated at the press conference Governmentinfo 100 where he also said: the postal delivery of the national consultation questionnaires concerning the Soros plan has begun.
Xpat Opinion: National Consultation On The ’Soros Plan’
- 9 Oct 2017 8:48 AM
- current affairs
Pundits express sharply contrasting views on the government’s ‘national consultation’ on migration. One side sees it as a propaganda project based on lies, while the other considers the campaign an expression of self-defence against pressure from global elites.
How Hungary’s Opposition Leaders Reacted To The Őcsény Fiasco
- 5 Oct 2017 8:52 AM
- current affairs
Two weeks ago, the village of Őcsény was the scene of a national scandal. Villagers threatened the life of a local guesthouse owner, slashed his tires, and vowed to do what they could to prevent him from providing shelter to bonafide refugee families.
“Brussels Wants To Put The Soros Plan Into High Gear,” Says Fidesz VP Szilárd Németh
- 29 Sep 2017 8:40 AM
- current affairs
Fidesz vice-president Szilárd Németh held a press conference Thursday to announce that never before has a national consultation been as important as it is now. Magyar Nemzet summarized the main takeaways of Németh’s talking points.
“Soros Plan” National Consultation To Begin In October, Costs Unknown
- 20 Sep 2017 8:52 AM
- current affairs
The National Consultation on what the Fidesz government is calling the “Soros plan” will likely be held in October, according to statements made on state radio by government undersecretary of communications Bence Tuzson, reports mno.hu.