669 result(s) for school director
Ends On 23 August: Art In Transylvania, National Gallery
- 28 Jul 2015 9:04 AM
- community & culture
The exhibition Destiny and Symbol - Hungarian Art in Transylvania 1920-1990 presents the art from this region and period on an unprecedented scale. Instead of an approach based on existing stereotypes, the show introduces the lesser-known, hidden or completely unknown aspects of Transylvanian art. This comprehensive exhibition greatly relies on works loaned from public and private collections in ...
XpatLoop Interview: Gergely Soós - Neo Interactive, Managing Director
- 17 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
“Jerome's pa, neo's alpha, yoga hacker, aussie music ninja, God of his dogs, wannabe Heisenberg.”
Hungarian American Institute Attempts To Mend US-Hungarian Relations
- 13 Jul 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
A new organization calling itself the Hungarian American Institute has invited members of the US Congress to meet with a number of Hungarian politicians and business leaders next week in Washington DC, according to a BuzzFeed News journalist, Rosie Gray.
Summer Camp @ American International School Budapest, Until 24 July
- 8 Jul 2015 8:00 AM
- specials
Join the AISB Summer Camp, spend your days in a safe, fun environment, enjoy our beautiful school campus, make friends and practice English.
Marcus Miller (USA), Budapest Park, 5 July
- 30 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
- entertainment
An album entitled Renaissance is long overdue for the widely acclaimed Renaissance Man Marcus Miller. In among the most enviable careers in music, Miller is a two-time Grammy-winner and the composer/producer of ten critically acclaimed and genre-defying albums (seven studio and three live).
CEE Roundtable, CEU Business School Budapest, 23 June
- 18 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
- specials
This Roundtable focuses on the impact of talent migration on economic competitiveness. According to the Vital Events 2014 report of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, the pace of emigration from Hungary is accelerating. For example, in 2014 31,500 Hungarian citizens, mostly representing younger age groups, went abroad for at least one year, which was 46% more than the previous year. In ...
Relations Between US & Hungary Have Improved
- 21 May 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The United States and Hungary are allies that should openly clarify any disputes between each other, the participants in a hearing in the US Congress on the future of US-Hungary relations said in agreement on Tuesday evening, local time.
Congress Hearing On US-Hungary Ties
- 21 May 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The United States and Hungary are allies that should openly clarify any disputes between each other, the participants in a hearing in the US Congress on the future of USHungary relations said in agreement on Tuesday evening, local time. Several contributors to the hearing held at the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Europe, said bilateral relations had improved in the past six ...
Compagnie Pál Frenák: Tricks & Tracks 2., Trafó Budapest, 21 – 22 May
- 15 May 2015 9:00 AM
- entertainment
”Our body and our self are treasury of the imprints of our memories, that is created by the interaction of materials, space, bodies and fragrances.” The 15 year-old Pal Frenak Company presented its performance entitled Tricks & Tracks in 1999. The basic concept of this legendary and groundbreaking production still has not lost its timeliness. In the spring of 2014 past will meet present. The ...
Ends On 23 August: Art In Transylvania, National Gallery
- 28 Jul 2015 9:04 AM
- community & culture
The exhibition Destiny and Symbol - Hungarian Art in Transylvania 1920-1990 presents the art from this region and period on an unprecedented scale. Instead of an approach based on existing stereotypes, the show introduces the lesser-known, hidden or completely unknown aspects of Transylvanian art. This comprehensive exhibition greatly relies on works loaned from public and private collections in ...
XpatLoop Interview: Gergely Soós - Neo Interactive, Managing Director
- 17 Jul 2015 12:00 PM
“Jerome's pa, neo's alpha, yoga hacker, aussie music ninja, God of his dogs, wannabe Heisenberg.”
Hungarian American Institute Attempts To Mend US-Hungarian Relations
- 13 Jul 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
A new organization calling itself the Hungarian American Institute has invited members of the US Congress to meet with a number of Hungarian politicians and business leaders next week in Washington DC, according to a BuzzFeed News journalist, Rosie Gray.
Summer Camp @ American International School Budapest, Until 24 July
- 8 Jul 2015 8:00 AM
- specials
Join the AISB Summer Camp, spend your days in a safe, fun environment, enjoy our beautiful school campus, make friends and practice English.
Marcus Miller (USA), Budapest Park, 5 July
- 30 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
- entertainment
An album entitled Renaissance is long overdue for the widely acclaimed Renaissance Man Marcus Miller. In among the most enviable careers in music, Miller is a two-time Grammy-winner and the composer/producer of ten critically acclaimed and genre-defying albums (seven studio and three live).
CEE Roundtable, CEU Business School Budapest, 23 June
- 18 Jun 2015 9:00 AM
- specials
This Roundtable focuses on the impact of talent migration on economic competitiveness. According to the Vital Events 2014 report of the Hungarian Central Statistical Office, the pace of emigration from Hungary is accelerating. For example, in 2014 31,500 Hungarian citizens, mostly representing younger age groups, went abroad for at least one year, which was 46% more than the previous year. In ...
Relations Between US & Hungary Have Improved
- 21 May 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The United States and Hungary are allies that should openly clarify any disputes between each other, the participants in a hearing in the US Congress on the future of US-Hungary relations said in agreement on Tuesday evening, local time.
Congress Hearing On US-Hungary Ties
- 21 May 2015 9:00 AM
- current affairs
The United States and Hungary are allies that should openly clarify any disputes between each other, the participants in a hearing in the US Congress on the future of USHungary relations said in agreement on Tuesday evening, local time. Several contributors to the hearing held at the House Foreign Affairs Committee, Subcommittee on Europe, said bilateral relations had improved in the past six ...
Compagnie Pál Frenák: Tricks & Tracks 2., Trafó Budapest, 21 – 22 May
- 15 May 2015 9:00 AM
- entertainment
”Our body and our self are treasury of the imprints of our memories, that is created by the interaction of materials, space, bodies and fragrances.” The 15 year-old Pal Frenak Company presented its performance entitled Tricks & Tracks in 1999. The basic concept of this legendary and groundbreaking production still has not lost its timeliness. In the spring of 2014 past will meet present. The ...