State Taking Over Agglomeration Transport From Budapest

  • 15 Jan 2016 8:00 AM
State Taking Over Agglomeration Transport From Budapest
The state will take over transport services in the agglomeration of Budapest from the municipality and is ready to also take over the suburban HÉV railway, the government office chief, János Lázár told a weekly government press briefing. The government accepts Budapest Mayor István Tarlós’s view that Budapest should only finance services that it is legally obliged to.

The prime minister has instructed the development and economy ministers to report the projected costs of the transport services in question at next week’s cabinet meeting. The government will involve national bus operator Volán and state railway company MÁV, he added.

Lázár added that the government is ready to integrate HÉV and MÁV services as part of a railway development scheme of several hundred billion forints. He added that the government would keep developments in Budapest among its top priorities.

“The government is Budapest’s greatest patron,” Lázár insisted. He said that recent amendments will ensure that the funds necessary to finance the operations of Budapest’s public transport company BKV are available.

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MTI photo: Koszticsák Szilárd

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